Monday, March 22, 2010

The Big Show Countdown

Cathy and I are both spending our days preparing for the April Show.  I've finished painting, but now I'm concentrating on 'presentation' --- It kind of feels like when I used to dance on stage.  Learning the steps was only the beginning - then we had to rehearse the 'style' of the number and the 'staging' of the show.   

I painted several new screens for this show - and I cant wait to see how they are received - but painting the piece is only the beginning.  Even though I'm very happy with them, I want to present them in a way that everyone can appreciate.

 I know Cathy is working on lots of new pieces too.   Together we will be hosting the Opening Reception from 5-8 pm  - April 2 at PNC Bank, 211 High Street, Chestertown--  come visit with us - cheer us on - and have a glass of wine ..  We'll be the two with the biggest smiles (plus name tags:)

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