I've just returned from the post office - where I mailed off a box of love to the women of Genesis Shelter in Texas. When I got involved with the Martha Stewart group Dreamers Into Doers back in January, little did I know how much love, support, encouragement, inspiration and joy would come to me from this amazing group of women and their endeavors. One of the spearheads of the group, Terry Grahl of Enchanted Makeovers, -- enchantedmakeovers.org -- has launched a nationwide tour to inspire communities across the land to give a little of their love, encouragement, and inspiration to women and their children who find themselves in a shelter situation due to domestic violence. The focus of this shelter event is "Bringing Back Basics" - helping the women expand on the life skills they use everyday to nurture and sustain their family. There will be cooking lessons, sewing lessons, games and activities for the children - and mother/child lunch program.
In keeping with that theme, I am able to send a hand painted cooking apron which will be given as a door prize, plus potholders with original design art for each woman. One of my favorite quotes on the potholder -- 'Small Cheer and Great Welcome Makes a Merry Feast' (by Shakespeare).
Another of my 'sisters' from the Dreamer group, Rachel Gaffney of Authentic Irish Goods, -- http://www.rachelgaffneys.com/-- will coordinate the cooking segment. Still another Dreamer, Debbie Maddy of Calico Carriage Quilt Designs, -- http://www.calicocarriage.com/ -- will coordinate the sewing lessons part of the event. Many, many other Dreamers have donated time and talent to this event, and the previous ones held this year. These are very worthy causes, and if you are interested you can find lots of information about how to get involved at Enchanted Makeovers -- we'd love to have you join us.